In the mean time, here are some maps that came from our travel guides. (Cruise Masters of Beaverton Oregon) they've been great, informative and filled with information. Ok, end of commercial.
So here you can see all the South African stops on our itinerary. Finding Atlanta and Dakar are left as an exercise for the reader for now. Click on the picture for a large view.
Also included is this picture of the Capetown region. I'm not quite sure about the various locales

By the way, for those who are wondering, yes it is still us. We have things pretty well organized, but I don't really expect to be packed and ready to go out the door until the last thing before bed tomorrow night. (That would be the 28th, regardless of when the computers think this posts.)
More to come,
Patton is getting senile in his old age (turned 49 today, Saturday!). He posts that we'll be packed before going to bed on Saturday.... Those of you who really know us, know that we'll finish packing just as the town car picks us up Sunday morning at 4:00am! They'll be plenty of time for sleep in the following 28 hours!
I have this crazy TOTO song stuck in my head....God Bless The Rains down in AFRICA......
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